This is the decicated staff of World War Wrestling. On screen and behind the scenes, they play a major role in keeping the W3 running smoothly.
W3 Management Team

CEO Robert Goodman
Mr. Robert Goodman first opened the doors to the W3 back in 2003. However, due to certain business and financial issues, he had to shut the W3 down. His dream of reviving the W3 has come back to life with the help of his friends in high places, the demand of the fans all over the world, and the competitors looking for new battlegrounds to conquer. Mr. Goodman's role in the W3 is nothing less to collect and hand out the checks, but if Mr. Goodman sees something that he doesn't like, he will take care of it personally in a rare public appearance.

General Manager Arnold Herman
Arnold Herman manages the rosters, matches, and line-ups in the W3. A sleazeball in his own right, Arnold Herman is nothing short of a cold, calculating businessman. Some would say that he manipulates the events to benefit himself, wether it's for a personal vendetta or just for his own amusement. But when it all comes down to it, all that GM Herman cares about is two things: The Ratings, and the money.

This 6'9" monster of a man is simply known to the world as "Malone". He is the hired personal bodyguard of General Manager Herman, and is often speculated that he also does Herman's dirty bidding. When needed, Malone also steps in as the W3's official enforcer.

Editor-In-Chief Danny Maguire
Danny Maguire, a die-hard wrestling fan, is always one step ahead of the scoops. Maguire is the Editor-In-Chief of the W3 Magazine, as well as the writer for monthly magazine "headlines" and "spotlight" articles.
W3 War Is Hell Commentators

Liutenant Rick Rogers
Lt. Rick Rogers is the color commentator for the W3 weekly show "War Is Hell". Rogers always roots for the hardest, most rugged competitor, and always root against anyone from another country, ESPECIALLY Canada. It is unknown if Lt. Rogers actually has or is serving in the armed forces. If you ask him, Rogers will tell you a bland of stories from "The Great Canadian War..."

Patrick Moore
Patrick Moore is the play-by-play commentator for the W3's weekly show "War is Hell." Moore is more of a neutral announcer, not really caring wether or not someone is an actual face or a heel, he just wants to call and witness amazing matches.
W3 "Invasion!" Commentators

"Outback" Jack Calloway
The color commentator for the W3's weekly show, "Invasion!" "Outback" Jack goe his name from his home country of Australia. "Outback" Not much can be said about Jack other than his three loves in life: Becks Beer, Fighting, and watching fights.

Earl Brown
Earl Brown is the play-by-play commentator for the W3's weekly show, "Invasion!" Sometimes seeming like more of a fan, Brown is a huge follower of the faces, despises the heels, and LOVES the ladies of the W3.
W3 Ring Announcers

War Is Hell Ring announcer Doug Bishop

Invasion! Ring announcer Carl Stetman
W3 Backstage Interviewers

W3 Lead Interviewer Chasity Hall

David Hernandez

Ronald James, a.k.a. "I'm Ron James, Bitch!"

Susan White
W3 Referees

Senior Official Don Thornton

Kyle Brewer

Phillip Carr

Josh Hays